The humble and fun West Valley Art Museum wanted to renovate the and cafe and restrooms within their existing facility to attract new patrons and increase revenue. With a very limited budget and schedule, it was decided to work with many of the existing elements, concentrating mostly on new finishes. The design focused on the existing dominant grid of the store front glazing system between the dining area and patio. Vinyl graphics break down its scale and give personality to the conventional grid. Fabric strips suspended from the ceiling shapes evocative of typical suburban roof shapes, which are the dominant architectural form in the museum’s suburban setting...........more
Results found at > Home > Cafe > Cafe Interior Design | Wvam Cafe | West Valley Art Museum | Colab Studio
Cafe Interior Design | Wvam Cafe | West Valley Art Museum | Colab Studio
The humble and fun West Valley Art Museum wanted to renovate the and cafe and restrooms within their existing facility to attract new patrons and increase revenue. With a very limited budget and schedule, it was decided to work with many of the existing elements, concentrating mostly on new finishes. The design focused on the existing dominant grid of the store front glazing system between the dining area and patio. Vinyl graphics break down its scale and give personality to the conventional grid. Fabric strips suspended from the ceiling shapes evocative of typical suburban roof shapes, which are the dominant architectural form in the museum’s suburban setting...........more